
Mental Health Resources

Positive Mental Health Resources: Here are some suggested resources for students and their families as they navigate through these challenging times.
Many of the WHO resources are available in multiple languages. One of the attached resources, Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource (National Association of School Psychologists and Nurses) is also available in many languages. Here is where you can find it in multiple languages. 

Here are the attached resources that may help you navigate through these challenging times: 

Helpful Resources

Parents received a system message about Interim K-9 resources and activities to engage children in, for the time prior to the scheduled spring break. You can access the resources here.

These activities are easy to do at home using common materials and are engaging for students and families. 

We also suggest home reading or home journal writing. Write about such topics:

  1. What is your favorite way to show your individuality?
  2. If you could take any animal from the zoo home as a pet, which would you choose—and why?
  3. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?  What inspired you to do it?
  4. Write a short story about the future.  How will daily life be different 50 years from now?
  5. What is the most important part of being a good friend?  Why?
  6. If you could go back in time to witness any single historical event, which would you choose?  Why? 
  7. If you could invent any one thing, what would you create?  Why?  How would you create it?
  8. Write about a time when you were not totally truthful with someone.  What happened?  How did you resolve the situation?
  9. Do you consider yourself artistic?  Why or why not?
  10. Do you consider yourself athletic?  Why or why not?
  11. Would you rather spend time relaxing by yourself or with a group of friends?  Why?
  12. What does it mean to be a good citizen of a community?
  13. What is something that would surprise your classmates about you?  What do you think they would find most surprising about that fact?
  14. Write a poem about your favorite day of the year.
  15. If you met a genie that could give you any talent in the world, what would you ask for—and why?
  16. Write a story about you and three of your friends getting marooned on a desert island.
  17. What is the best thing to pair with jam?  When did you first try this combination?  What other recipes can you think of?
  18. Write about the best thing that happened to you last year.
  19. Who is your hero?  What inspires you about this person?
  20. What is the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home?  Who did you travel with?  Did you enjoy the experience?
  21. Write about your dreams.  Do you typically remember your dreams?  Do you dream in color or black and white?  Are your dreams usually realistic or fantastical?
  22. Write a short story about a kid with an unusual talent.
  23. What is your biggest goal right now?  What are you doing to work toward it?
  24. Is it best to be an oldest sibling, middle sibling, youngest sibling, or only child?  Why?
  25. What part of being an adult sounds like the most fun?  Why?
  26. What part of being an adult sounds the most challenging?  Why?
  27. If you could live in any fictional TV show, movie, or book, which would you choose—and why?

March 12, 2020

Learning Conferences

Please book Student-Parent-Teacher conferences at
Conferences will be held next week on Thursday, March 19th from 4:30pm - 8:00pm and on Friday, March 20th from 8:00am - 1:00pmPlease feel free to call the office if you need support in booking a conference (403)777-6670.

Important Reminders

Book Fair 
Please do NOT send money to school with your child. Purchases can only be made Thursday, March 19 from 4:00-7:45 pm and Friday, March 20 from 8:00 am to12:00 pm.

The virtue of the month is sportsmanship.

Fun Lunch is on Tuesday, March 17th. The last day to order is on March 12th at midnight.

Spirit Day is Jersey Day on Wednesday, March 18th.

March 10, 2019

Fun Lunch Reminder: 

The March fun lunch is Coco Brooks on Tuesday, March 17.  The last day to order is March 12, at midnight.

March 9, 2020

Hello Parents,

We have started our Dystopian Themed book club. Some students are reading the City of Embers by Jeanne DuPrau, The Last Wild by Piers Torday and Tripods by John Christopher. Meanwhile, Ms. Szeto is reading The Giver by Lois Lowry. Throughout our book club, we will be completing mini-projects and having discussions with our book club groups on Friday. We can't wait to share!

A note about the Book Fair:

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school March 19 & 20, 2020. We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Your support helps us obtain new books and resources for our library and classrooms.

Visit the Scholastic Book Fairs website at to read reviews of the Featured Books. You can also watch book trailers and author videos with your child on the BookTube page.

A Book Fair flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of the many books available to purchase at our Fair will be going home.  The flyer also contains a special Family Draw ballot that students can deposit during their classroom preview visit. You could win $50.00 in books - $25.00 for your family PLUS $25.00 for your child’s classroom! The draw will be made Thursday afternoon, March 20, 2020 at 1:30 pm.

Please do NOT send money to school with your child. Purchases can only be made Thursday, March 19 from 4:00-7:45 pm and Friday, March 20, 2020 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Don’t forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your calendar! We thank you, in advance, for supporting this great literary event. Thank you for believing in books and the impact of reading on your child’s future.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are on March 19 and 20.
Jersey day is on March 18, 2020
Fun Lunch is on March 17, 2020

Have a great day!

Grade 5 and 6 Students

Trickster Tickets

Trickster Artist in Residence – Evening Performance Thurs, March 5

The ticket order form for the evening performances on Thursday, March 5 needed to be returned to the school today. If you forgot, send the order form in asap; we need to draw for extra tickets.
Today, your child will be bringing home the tickets you requested. Please check their backpacks.

Keep your tickets in a safe place (a magnet on the fridge?). You NEED to present the tickets at the door to get into the show!

If you have any questions call the school at 403-777-6670.


Hi Parents,

Two forms are coming home today regarding to the Trickster Performance on Thursday, March 5, 2020. The other form is regarding human sexuality education. Please return the forms as soon as possible.

Thank you,

The Grade 5/6 Team